
Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Ugly Bathroom

My house was built in 1960 and it shows, mostly in the 2 bathrooms. Those rooms have had the least attention when  it comes to renovation and updating. With that said, my master bathroom is not a designer's paradise in the least, but after I moved here, I really wanted to at least make that small space slightly more pleasing to the eye.

First, I listed all the upgrades and things I want for the bathroom.
That list included:

1) REDO shower completely (has original pink tile)
2) Purchase new mirror and medicine cabinet
3) New door and trim
4) paint walls
5) remove 2 handicap handles and rails from the walls and patch HUGE holes
6) remove the towel bar hanging over the sink (bad placement).
7) New towel hangers
8) Paint sprinkler system box white to "blend in" (yes, the green auto sprinkler box is in our bathroom and is ugly).
9) Buy a brown bathroom rug

Then, I crossed out the things I couldn't afford right now (#1, 2 and 3) and figured out what I already have to make as much of these items come to life. I already had brown semi-gloss paint, so I decided to paint a brown stripe. With mom's help, we decided the stripe should be about 7 inches wide and go all around the room.

Here is my bathroom before:

It's hard to get the entire bathroom in a picture since it is so small.
After a few inexpensive fixes, painting and finishing touches, here's what we have.

Over time I will hopefully get to other things on my wish list, but for now me, my husband and our budget are all quite pleased with my efforts. :)

~ Chelsea ~


  1. You did a great job on a budget--something we've all come to appreciate these days!

  2. you know they have tile glaze/paint so you can change that pink tile for a better color without having to rip it out :)

  3. Thank you anonymous commenter :)

    I have only heard of the tile paint and it sounds amazing.
    I think in our case though, since there is a possible mold problem behind our tiles and minor damage to them, the best thing would to do a complete redo. It's a 50-year old shower. I'm getting used to that pretty pink anyways. haha


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