
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Cardboard Easels

There are many times when I am in need of several easels for various displays that I create for church or other projects. This time, I was in need of easels for my boutique display and I wasn't interested in spending money on them. I have a few nice easels around my house, but I needed several. 

So, that's where the newly purchased fire pit comes in... at least the box it came in. 

I used the thick sturdy cardboard corners to cut out (very carefully with a box/exacto knife) 5 easels. 
The first one, I sketched on with a pencil and just guessed the size and shape. Then, when that one amazingly worked, I used it as a template to trace and cut out the others.

Then, I painted the cardboard with 2 light coats of spray paint. 

Wah-lah! 5 perfectly stable and completely FREE easels to help me display my magnetboards and chalkboards on Friday

~ Chelsea ~


  1. Thank you for showing me this!!! It was exactly what I was looking for!!! :)

  2. Yes!! Relatively easy to make and budget friendly.

  3. Thank you! Just made 7 of these out of a relatively small Amazon box! Great idea - thank you!

  4. It isn't wah-la, it's voilá -- French for "here" or "Here it is."

  5. Great for my display board. Thank you

  6. What has she shown us. Where are the instructions on how to make them?

  7. Terrific idea!! (So sorry people can’t just say something constructive or nothing at all.)


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